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Edifice of Trust Podcast

Apr 30, 2020

Our unthinking enemy acts on only one principle, replicate its DNA as much as possible. Its relentless culling of the human race focuses on those that are most vulnerable, those that have other underlying health problems such that over 89% of the deaths in New York state are people that have these so-called...

Apr 13, 2020

Congress will soon begin discussions about another round of legislative stimulus in response to the Coronavirus pandemic. And Senator Elizabeth Warren has some proposals that she will try to include as she enumerated in her New York Times op-ed on April 8, 2020. But her proposals are not intended to address the...

Apr 2, 2020

The economy is being horribly damaged by the steps the federal and state governments are taking to slow the spread of the coronavirus pandemic. But it is not the state of the economy that will determine the outcome of the 2020 presidential election. The election will be determined by how the Trump administration...